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Ownership structure

Publication year Data on the Bank's ownership structure
2025  on 01.01.2025 (pdf, 663 kB, 28.01.2025)
2024 on 01.01.2024 (pdf, 146 kB, 23.01.2024, Ukr)

on 01.01.2023 (pdf, 149 kB, 25.01.2023, Ukr)


on 27.12.2022 (pdf, 163 kB, 27.12.2022, Ukr)

on 01.01.2022 (pdf, 172 kB, 01.01.2022, Ukr)


on 22.10.2021 (pdf, 108 kB, 28.10.2021, Ukr)

on 01.01.2021 (pdf, 109 kB, 25.01.2021, Ukr)


on 24.03.2020 (pdf, 158 kB, 30.03.2020, Ukr)

on 01.01.2020 (pdf, 157 kB, 20.01.2020, Ukr)


on 11.12.2019 (pdf, 158 kB, 27.12.2019, Ukr)

on 10.12.2019 (pdf, 113 kB, 21.12.2019, Ukr)

on 30.05.2019 (pdf, 167 kB, 12.06.2019, Ukr)

on 01.03.2019 (pdf, 169 kB, 01.03.2019, Ukr)

on 01.01.2019 (pdf, 189 kB, 01.01.2019, Ukr)


on 01.01.2018 (pdf, 107 kB, 01.01.2018, Ukr)

on 06.04.2018 (pdf, 165 kB, 06.04.2018, Ukr)


on 01.01.2017 (pdf, 103 kB, 01.01.2017, Ukr)

on 10.04.2017 (pdf, 106 kB, 10.04.2017, Ukr)


on 01.01.2016 (pdf, 124 kB, 01.01.2016, Ukr)

on 24.03.2016 (pdf, 107 kB, 24.03.2016, Ukr)


Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 01.01.2015

Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 01.01.2015

on 08.03.2015 (pdf, 7 MB, 08.03.2015, Ukr)

on 30.05.2015 (pdf, 7 MB, 30.05.2015, Ukr)

on 01.09.2015 (pdf, 369 kB, 01.09.2015, Ukr)


Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 01.01.2014

Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 01.01.2014

Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 25.01.2014

Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 25.01.2014


Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 01.01.2013

Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 01.01.2013

Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 09.04.2013

Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 09.04.2013


Information about the owners of a significant share in the bank on 01.01.2012

Schematic representation of the ownership structure by state on 01.01.2012



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