opening of securities accounts
servicing circulation of securities
information services
the receipt of income for securities

opening of securities accounts
servicing circulation of securities
information services
the receipt of income for securities
Depository activities
General information on Industrialbank's Depository activities:
Depository institution Industrialbank carries out Depositary activities on the securities market on the basis of the Decision of the securities Commission on the issuance of licenses №409 from 30.07.2019 for the same types of activities:
- depository activity of a Depository institution
- activity on keeping of assets of joint investment institutions
- activity on keeping of assets of pension funds
Industrialbank, as Depository institution, is a member of Professional Association of participants in the capital markets and derivatives (PARD) and cooperates with all relevant depositaries of Ukraine, namely: Depository of the National Bank of Ukraine and PJSC "National Depository of Ukraine".
Industrialbank's professional activities as a Depository institution provides credit in accordance with the regulatory documents of the NBU, the National Commission on securities and stock market, the current legislation of Ukraine, the Regulation on Depository activities of Depository institutions and other internal documents.
Message to the shareholders through the Depository system
Customer service
Industrialbank provides a full range of Depository services to private and legal persons, residents and non – residents holders of securities:
- opening and maintenance of securities accounts
- accounting of rights on securities on the securities account of the depositor
- servicing circulation of securities (government bonds, municipal, corporate), namely: enrollment, cancellation, transfer, blocking, unblocking
- information services (provision of account statements of securities information about the Issuer, references and other information regarding the securities of clients)
- income generation (dividends, coupons) for securities with their further transfer to accounts of depositors
- other services related to the current legislation to the Depository activity of a Depository institution
Customer service is subject to the following conditions:
- For cooperation with the Depositary institution, the customer needs to open an account in securities in oreder to receivesthe status of the depositor:
- The agreement on maintenance of securities accounts for legal entities
- Rates of Depository institutions Industrialbank (learn more)
- Art#12 of the Ukraine's law "On financial services and state regulation of financial services markets"
Contacts Management of the Depository activities for more information
Location: 01133, Kyiv, vul. General Almazov, 18/7
phone: +38 (044) 290 9381
Head of Depository activities – Tatiana Striletz
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leading economist - Vekhova Evgeniya
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Industrialbank provides services in securities transactions:
- access to international financial markets, obtaining е-licence
contacts: +380 44 290 9381
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- corporate and municipal bonds
- government securities
- shares
- bills of exchange
- investment certificates
Sirenko Vladimir Ivanovich
Head of Investment Operations and Securities Trading Department
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Kosinsky Gennady Georgievich
Deputy Director of Investment Operations and Trading in Securities
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Industrialbank has licences of the National State Commission for Securities and Stock Market: