providing bank metals with any denomination
favorable conditions for cooperation
prompt execution of the transaction and settlements
possibility of transportation by own collection service

purchase or sale of one foreign currency for another foreign currency
зossibility to conduct operations with EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, NZD, AUD, RUB
conducting of calculations under different conditions

attraction and placement of loans and deposits in national and foreign currencies
SURP resource operations
conclusion of general agreements on the procedure for conducting interbank operations with counterparty banks
consortium lending
conducting a REPO operation

Individual approach to each customer with the choice of money bills
the possibility of providing funds during the day at any time convenient for you
a flexible approach to setting tariffs for the provision of services

prompt transaction processing
quick settlements
possibility of transportation by own collection service

providing bank metals with any denomination
favorable conditions for cooperation
prompt execution of the transaction and settlements
possibility of transportation by own collection service

purchase or sale of one foreign currency for another foreign currency
зossibility to conduct operations with EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, NZD, AUD, RUB
conducting of calculations under different conditions

attraction and placement of loans and deposits in national and foreign currencies
SURP resource operations
conclusion of general agreements on the procedure for conducting interbank operations with counterparty banks
consortium lending
conducting a REPO operation

Individual approach to each customer with the choice of money bills
the possibility of providing funds during the day at any time convenient for you
a flexible approach to setting tariffs for the provision of services

prompt transaction processing
quick settlements
possibility of transportation by own collection service
Bank metals transactions
Industrialbank provides the following services with banking metals:
- services for providing banks with ingots of banking metals
- services for buying bank metals ingots
For additional information, please contact the Banknote Banking Department at +380 (44) 290 9371.
Conversion operations
Industrialbank offers banks - counterparties a full range of services for conversion operations:
- purchase / sale of currency - more than 15 currency pairs (UAH, EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY, RUB, PLN, NOK, CNH)
- conducting calculations under conditions of TOD, TOM, SPOT, etc
- SWAP transactions on all major currency pairs
- conducting transactions FORWARD type for hedging exchange rate risks
- narrow spread quotes
- lack of requirements for the minimum amount of the transaction
- possibility of mutual offsetting of counter obligations
For additional information, please contact the Department of Treasury at +380 (44) 206 9827.
Reuters Code: INDU
Bloomberg Code: INDS
Resource operations on the market
For additional information, please contact the Department of Treasury at +380 (44) 206 9827.
Reuters Code: INDU
Bloomberg Code: INDS
Cash backing
Industrialbank offers refinancing of cash desks of banks in cash national and foreign currency.
We offer:
- Individual approach to each customer with the choice of money bills
- the possibility to provide funds during the day at any convenient time for you
- the commission fee is set individually, depending on the amount, banknotes, market prices.
For additional information, please contact the Banknote Banking Department at +380 (44) 290 9371.
Reception of worn banknotes
Industrialbank offers the following conditions for receiving worn banknotes:
- reception of worn banknotes of foreign states:
- for banks - from 2% to 3% of the amount - reception of worn banknotes in national currency:
- for banks - the tariff is set individually
For additional information, please contact the Banknote Banking Department at: +380 (44) 290 9371.