several deposits for different dates
from 1 day
different conditions for paying interest

with automatic landing
from 62 to 95 days
percent monthly

with the possibility of stuffing
partial withdrawal to the set minimum
percent monthly
from 32 to 62 days

without physical delivery
minimum 5 ounces
Monthly or at the end of the term
from 93 to 365 days

the most favorable interest rate
possibility to divide the bank margin
the possibility of choosing a loan to deposit
in providing both private clients and business

operational disposition of funds
percent monthly

% monthly
maximum yield
from 2 days

several deposits for different dates
from 1 day
different conditions for paying interest

with automatic landing
from 62 to 95 days
percent monthly

with the possibility of stuffing
partial withdrawal to the set minimum
percent monthly
from 32 to 62 days

without physical delivery
minimum 5 ounces
Monthly or at the end of the term
from 93 to 365 days

the most favorable interest rate
possibility to divide the bank margin
the possibility of choosing a loan to deposit
in providing both private clients and business

operational disposition of funds
percent monthly
With the connection of the "RKO+OVERNIGHT" package, every client will be able to manage their finances more efficiently.
Your funds will be automatically transferred to the deposit account every evening, and at the beginning of the next working day, they will be returned to the current account together with the accumulated interest.
Get acquainted with the conditions of the "RKO + OVERNIGHT" PACKAGE
The deposit "Strokovyi" ("Term deposit") allows you to receive interest on a monthly basis. Customer-oriented, which has a certain amount of temporarily free funds and the priority for which is to get the most possible returns. The deposit does not include the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds. The minimum deposit amount is UAH 10,000 / EUR 1,000 / USD 1,000.
General contract
After making a deposit "General contract", you get the opportunity to use temporarily free funds with maximum efficiency, placing them even for a short time - from one day (overnight). The term of the placement, the amount of the deposit and the amount of the rate is determined in the contracts to the "General Contract". A single account is opened for the client. Replenishment of the deposit takes place by the conclusion of a separate contract for the amount of replenishment. A partial reduction in the amount of the deposit on a separate contract of a fixed contribution may be made on the day of prolongation. The minimum deposit amount is UAH 1,000 / EUR 1,000 / USD 1,000.
Contribution with auto volunteering
Term deposit with the right to automatically extend the term of the agreement and change the interest rate in accordance with market conditions. There is no possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of the deposit. The minimum deposit amount is UAH 1,000 / EUR 1,000 / USD 1,000.
Contribution with underlays and partial removal
The term deposit with the right of laying and partial withdrawal of the amount of the contribution to the non-deductible balance. The deposit is placed only in UAH with a minimum amount of accommodation from UAH 50 thousand. The interest rate depends on the amount of the deposit. Possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.
Deposits in gold
A fixed-term deposit in gold without physical delivery is a good solution for those who choose to minimize currency risk and invest in a really reliable currency. The interest rate and terms of interest payments depend on the term of the placement, and the minimum amount of bank gold in the deposit starts at five Threes ounces.
A unique offer for saving and increasing the funds of individuals and legal entities. Deposit "Guarantee" is an opportunity to get more from temporarily free funds by placing them on the chosen account. Within the terms of deposit, the client, both physical and legal person, can receive the following benefits:
- a more favorable interest rate on a deposit, if the client acts as the guarantor of the obligation in the same currency, and at least attractive terms of the deposit, if the currency of the deposit differs from the currency of the obligation with the adjustment of the interest rate in case of fluctuation of the hryvnia exchange rate;
- the opportunity to feel like a banker and to get an investor's income, using the bank's professionalism and experience of a high-quality risk management system of one of the oldest banks in the country;
- make a contribution to the development of the Ukrainian economy, choosing from the loans offered by the bank one that, in the opinion of the depositor, is the most promising and important.
There is a possibility of re-issuance of existing deposits placed in the Industrial Bank earlier, on the terms of the deposit "Guarantee".
Details of the deposit "Guarantee" for legal entities: +380 61 222 20 53.
Details of the deposit "Guarantee" for individuals: +380 67 530 02 21.
Deposit on request
Deposit "Deposit on request" is a deposit account, under which you have the opportunity to dispose of funds in a deposit account promptly, replenish and withdraw funds. The minimum deposit amount is UAH 1,000 / EUR 1,000 / USD 1,000.