online payments
currency exchange
even if you are not an Industrialbank's client
mobile and web module

prompt information on enrollment / settlements
checking the balance on the account
possibility of connecting the service in an ATM
to card or current accounts
online mobile app Industrial24
online Internet banking Industrial24
online on the Bank's website via the Portmone system
in the Bank branches

online payments
currency exchange
even if you are not an Industrialbank's client
mobile and web module

prompt information on enrollment / settlements
checking the balance on the account
possibility of connecting the service in an ATM
to card or current accounts
online mobile app Industrial24
online Internet banking Industrial24
online on the Bank's website via the Portmone system
in the Bank branches
press to download Industrial24
Download the Industrial24 and use the services of the Industrialbank on your smartphone:
- NEW! currency exchange and opening of current accounts. Watch the video guide press
- digitization of Visa MPS Payment Cards. Watch the video guide press
- Issue of Prepaid Digital Card
- lock and unlock the card
- removal or setting of limits
- transfer of funds within the Industrial Bank or to a card of any bank of Ukraine
- realization of communal and other payments
- refill of mobile phones
- opening online deposits and obtaining a bonus interest rate (Standard, Dohodniy, Scarbnychka)
- view statements and transaction history
- view current exchange rates
- finding the nearest branch of the bank
- customer support for Viber or Skype
- view news of the bank
Holders of Industrial Bank cards - owners of smartphones equipped with a fingerprint scanner have the opportunity to enter the mobile application Industrial24 using a fingerprint reader.
Industrialbank customers can easily get a virtual Visa Prepaid: without bank visits, with no passport and code! In 30 sec card is at your mobile! Digitize it and use for the Internet-payments or for Android-smartphone-payments (with NFC)!
For a web version - check up the link
GSM-banking is a remote-service service, which enables clients who have opened a card account in Industrialbank to receive information on account`s transactions in SMS-messages format on their mobile phone.
The service operates in the coverage area of the mobile operator.
Advantages of GSM-banking services:
- awareness - an opportunity to receive a statement of an account status in a bank on your mobile phone
- efficiency of using information - receiving SMS-messages allows you to quickly dispose of funds
- operational control of the state of payments
Settlement and cash service
In the bank`s branche you have the opportunity:
- open current accounts in national and foreign currencies;
- carry out transfer of funds to the accounts of other individuals or legal entities, both within Ukraine and abroad (by SWIFT system);
- withdraw cash from the account;
- get cash in cash without opening an account;
- buy / sell or convert non-cash foreign currency;
- carry out operations with cash foreign currency (currency exchange operations, registration of a certificate on the export of foreign currency, etc.);
- open conditional storage account (escrow)
In addition to a wide range of operations in this segment of banking services (from opening current accounts in national and foreign currencies, cash transactions, non-cash transfers to accounts of other legal entities and individuals, buying / converting cash / non-cash foreign currency to SWIFT transfers, with which you you will be able to solve your financial issues with regard to the transfer of funds from abroad to help relatives, as payment for services in foreign educational or medical institutions, etc.
You will be assigned a Personal Assistant for Currency Operations, who will conduct an examination of the intended transaction and will help you find the best solution, provide consulting, including legal and practical support in the compilation of primary and registration of supporting documents under the agreement, will provide the mode of the best interaction with the Bank's units in the process, servicing for currency transactions, and with external structures on issues of registration, correction of documents required for conducting foreign economic operations.
In addition, Industrialbank, informs that taking into account changes in the current currency legislation, the abolition of individual licenses for currency transactions, replaces the system of e-limits. E-Limit is an electronic limit of client transactions, within which the National Bank allows you to send money transfers for:
- investments abroad (for example, buying shares of foreign companies);
- placement of funds on own accounts outside of Ukraine;
- performance of obligations to non-residents under life insurance contracts.
The current e-limit of the NBU allows you to transfer foreign currency abroad for a total amount of up to 100 000 euros (in the equivalent) per year.
You can make utilities and other payments in the following ways:
- with the help of internet banking system Industrial24
- or with a special mobile app for smartphones. Download the app on the App Store or on Google Play.
In order to make payments through the system of Internet banking Industrial24 you must have an account opened in the bank and register as a user of the Industrial24 system.
- on the bank's website through the Portmone system on-line without registration (from any bank card)
- in the branches of the bank in cash.