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Special information

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_26.11.2024 (pdf, 405 kB, 27.11.2024) (pdf, 405 kB, 27.11.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 422 kB, 27.11.2024)(p7s, 422 kB, 27.11.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_26.11.2024 in machine-readable format (xml, 6 kB, 27.11.2024) (xml, 6 kB, 27.11.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 23 kB, 27.11.2024) (p7s, 23 kB, 27.11.2024)

 Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _31.05.2024 (pdf, 87 kB, 03.06.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (pdf, 104 kB, 03.06.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _02.05.2024_NR (pdf, 92,6 kB, 03.05.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (pdf, 110 kB, 03.05.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer 14.03.2024 (pdf, 89 kB, 15.03.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 107 kB, 15.03.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer 14.03.2024 (pdf, 88 kB, 15.03.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 106 kB, 15.03.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer 12.02.2024 (pdf, 88 kB, 13.02.2024)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 106 kB, 13.02.2024)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _22.12.2023 (pdf, 123 kB, 22.12.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 141 kB, 22.12.2023

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _29.11.2023 (pdf, 80 kB, 30.11.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 98 kB, 13.11.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _30.05.2023 (pdf, 77 kB, 31.05.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (pdf, 94 kB, 31.05.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _04.05.2023_NR (pdf, 89 kB, 05.05.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (pdf, 106 kB, 05.05.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _04.05.2023_zv.NR (pdf, 104 kB, 04.05.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 122 kB, 04.05.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _04.05.2023_zv.PR (pdf, 93 kB, 04.05.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 111 kB, 04.05.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR _04.05.2023  (pdf, 123 kB, 04.05.2023)

Qualified electronic signature (p7s, 121 kB, 04.05.2023)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 22.02.2023

Qualified electronic seal of the issuer 22.02.2023

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_29.11.2022 (pdf, 80 kB, 30.11.2022)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_18.08.2022 (pdf, 104 kB, 18.08.2022)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_28.07.2022 (pdf, 97 kB, 13.12.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_10.12.2021 (pdf, 76 kB, 13.12.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_10.12.2021 (pdf, 98 kB, 13.12.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_27.10.2021 (pdf, 81 kB, 27.10.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_07.10.2021 (pdf, 103 kB, 07.10.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_01.07.2021 (pdf, 76 kB, 02.07.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_01.06.2021 (pdf, 78 kB, 02.06.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_12.05.2021 (pdf, 81 kB, 13.05.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_26.02.2021 (pdf, 77 kB, 01.03.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.02.2021 (pdf, 93 kB, 03.02.2021)

Disclaimer of Special Information 02.02.2021 (pdf, 70 kB, 05.02.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.02.2021 (pdf, 93 kB, 03.02.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.02.2021 (pdf, 81 kB, 03.02.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.02.2021 (pdf, 127 kB, 03.02.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_25.01.2021 (pdf, 77 kB, 26.01.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_22.01.2021 (pdf, 80 kB, 25.01.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_21.01.2021 (pdf, 80 kB, 22.01.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_11.01.2021 (pdf, 80 kB, 12.01.2021)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_16.09.2020 (pdf, 75 kB, 17.09.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_04.09.2020 (pdf, 75,7 kB, 04.09.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_31.07.2020 (pdf, 75 kB, 03.08.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_27.07.2020 (pdf, 75 kB, 28.07.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_24.07.2020 (pdf, 75 kB, 27.07.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_05.06.2020 (pdf, 80 kB, 22.07.2020)

Notification of untimely disclosure of special information (pdf, 47 kB, 22.07.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_10.07.2020 (pdf, 76 kB, 10.07.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_01.07.2020 (pdf, 77 kB, 01.07.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_03.06.2020 (pdf, 88 kB, 04.06.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_18.05.2020 (pdf, 76 kB, 19.05.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.04.2020 (pdf, 74,4 kB, 03.04.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_11.03.2020 (pdf, 95 kB, 12.03.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_11.03.2020 (pdf, 73,4 kB, 12.03.2020)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_23.01.2020 (pdf, 75 kB, 24.01.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_13.01.2020 (pdf, 75,6 kB, 28.12.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_27.12.2019 (pdf, 73 kB, 28.12.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_10.12.2019 (pdf, 77 kB, 11.12.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 08.11.2019   (pdf, 73 kB,  11.11.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 18.10.2019   (pdf, 80 kB,  21.10.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 10.10.2019   (pdf, 75 kB,  11.10.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 24.09.2019   (pdf, 90 kB,  25.09.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 16.09.2019   (pdf, 75 kB, 17.09.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.09.2019   (pdf, 75 kB, 04.09.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.09.2019   (pdf, 75 kB, 04.09.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 11.07.2019   (pdf, 76,4 kB, 11.07.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 10.07.2019   (pdf, 74 kB, 11.07.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 26.06.2019   (pdf, 87 kB, 27.06.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 25.04.2019    (pdf, 83,5 kB, 26.04.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 24.04.2019    (pdf, 101kB, 25.04.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.04.2019   (pdf, 145kB, 24.04.2019)

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 18.02.2019

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 31.01.2019

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 11.12.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_06.11.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_31.10.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_03.08.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_15.05.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_21.04.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_20.04.2018_

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_20.04.2018_

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_20.04.2018_

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_10.04.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_12.02.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_17.01.2018

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_18.12.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_05.12.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_29.11.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_02.11.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_26.10.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_24.10.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_29.09.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_21.06.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_28.04.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_22.04.2017

Notification of special infirmation about the issuer_UKR 21.04.2017  

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_28.02.2017 

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_30.01.2017

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_29.12.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_28.12.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_23.12.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR_06.12.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 30.11.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 04.11.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.11.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 31.10.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 19.10.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.10.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 30.09.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 27.09.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 05.09.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 29.08.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 27.08.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 26.08.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 19.08.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 04.08.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 29.07.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 12.07.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 04.07.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.06.2016_ЗР

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.06.2016_ЕБ

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 25.05.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 28.03.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 09.03.2016

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 11.08.2015

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 17.04.2015

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.02.2015

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 18.04.2014

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 16.04.2014

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 15.04.2014

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 01.04.2014

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 21.06.2013

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 13.04.2013

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 12.04.2013

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 10.04.2013

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 12.11.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 21.08.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 10.08.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 09.04.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.01.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.01.2012

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 08.08.2011

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 01.04.2011

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 28.01.2011

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 27.01.2011

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 03.11.2010

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 23.07.2010

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 13.07.2010

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 30.04.2010

Notification of special information about the issuer_UKR 02.03.2010

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